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XENIA is the Ancient Greek concept of hospitality: the generosity & courtesy shown to those who are far from home

Dear Traveler ...

No matter where you travel in the world, it's all about the locals that you know that make your experience special. That's why we have created a travel community based around this principle. Xenialand revolves around getting a local, authentic, and immersive experience in Chile. Our local hosts make the difference and, together we will create a customized experience exclusive to the best Chile has to offer.

This is how we work

This is how a Xenialand adventure comes together


Get inspired

Discover our previous adventures, meet our hosts, explore their experiences, and the incredible places they live


Reach out to us

Tell us what you have in mind! Share with us the timeframe, your budget, and the things you don’t want to miss out on in Chile


Let's have a conversation

We will set up a time to speak with you, and will coordinate with our hosts and their local partners to put together a pre-proposal for your trip


Make it official

We will collect a deposit to confirm your adventure, and we will commence with the details. Nothing is official until you sign off on everything


Get ready!

We will finalize and send you your itinerary, and make sure you are 100% ready for every step of the way

Why Xenialand

Working to deliver responsible, authentic, & personalized adventures for our travelers


Evolving the meaning of a host

We believe the best way to experience a destination is through the hands of a local host. A Xenialand host is a local expert that provides their guests with an authentic and local experience.


We believe the best way to experience a destination is through the hands of a local host. A Xenialand host is a local expert that provides their guests with an authentic and local experience.


We will be there for you before & during your trip

We believe the best way to experience a destination is through the hands of a local host. A Xenialand host is a local expert that provides their guests with an authentic and local experience.


We will prepare you for your trip and be there for you to provide solutions if any problems or unexpected inconveniences should arise.


We have the best hosts in Chile

We believe the best way to experience a destination is through the hands of a local host. A Xenialand host is a local expert that provides their guests with an authentic and local experience.


All of our hosts have been carefully selected and vetted to ensure they are amazing people, with amazing offerings that will take care of you during your travels to Chile. Check out their profiles and see it for yourself!


This is our family and we take care of it

We believe the best way to experience a destination is through the hands of a local host. A Xenialand host is a local expert that provides their guests with an authentic and local experience.


A percentage of your booking will go directly to a charity that each host has chosen as illustrated in their profile. Let's honor our host's communities as a token of gratitude for showing us the best they have.


We will tailor a personal experience for you 

We believe the best way to experience a destination is through the hands of a local host. A Xenialand host is a local expert that provides their guests with an authentic and local experience.


We will work with you & our hosts to ensure your Xenialand experience meets every detail of your desires, budget, and expectations.


Let us inspire you!

We believe the best way to experience a destination is through the hands of a local host. A Xenialand host is a local expert that provides their guests with an authentic and local experience.

This is Chile

Chile really has it all...thousands of kilometers of coast, mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, desert, and islands. The raw beauty of the nature and landscapes is truly unmatched. It might also suprise you that Chile is a cultural melting pot, and has several distinct cultural difference depending on where you find yourself.    Come explore the most austral corner of the world and meet it's incredible people. 

Our commitment

We promote authentic travel experiences while supporting  the local community and making the world a better place to live

Our charities

Every single one of our hosts chooses a cause the feel close to, and we proceed to make a donation from every single adventured booked with them.

Xenialand Partners

We dont understand travel without involving local businesses, both for quality and authenticity.   All our hosts partner  with their favorite local businesses to support their communities.  In return, Xenialand travelers receive exclusive deals from our host´s partners.

Commited Community

We are proud to say that we have built a network of conscience, and proactive individuals that seek to make a positive impact and protect the world we live in.  Check our hosts sustainable projects in their profiles.

Xenialand-Rewilding Chile

Let the adventure begin

Get inspired by our prior personalized adventures

Patagonia Club adventure

Frutillar, Futaleufú, P.N Alerce Andino

12 days | 11 nights. 4 people.

$2500 pp

Osorno volcano 360º

Frutillar, Futaleufú, Ensenada

12 days | 11 nights. 2 people.

Coming soon

Chile from tip to toe

Atacama, Valparaiso, Frutillar & Torres del Paine

14 days | 13 nights. 3 people.

$2500 pp

$3000 pp

Meet the founder, Teresa 

The Xenialand adventure is born from experience. Experience and the wonderful luck of meeting people that have completely changed my view of the world, and life itself.

I have traveled a lot...a lot. After over a decade of traveling, something became crystal clear to me. From all my adventures, my best experiences came from the locals that I met, took care of me, and shared their daily life and the best of their community with me. It was always the people that helped me feel the heart and soul of my destination. These special encounters are now the motivation behind my travel endeavors and give passion to this community. 

This is the motivation behind Xenialand. We give a voice and a platform to the best hosts, connecting them with travelers that appreciate the most local way to travel.

Xenialand Teresa
The most incredible journey, in your hands
We love to hear back from you

Kyle M.  |  CHICAGO

"During my travels throughout Chile, I would have never imagined my time in Frutillar to be what stuck with me most. Whether you’re looking for leisure, adventure, or a little bit of both…you will find it all here. Guillermo, who might as well be the mayor of Frutillar, is the most welcoming and generous host you could ever ask for. In his rustic and sustainable home, built from scratch, we ate well and we drank good. While sitting out on the balcony, past the greenery, you’ll see volcanoes and and a fresh body of water off in the distance. Frutillar is majestic. Guillermo is a legend. His house is something out of a dream. I will be back."
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